The 12 core values our family lives by

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

What does your family value? Can you clearly articulate it? If not, it’ll be hard to build towards.

Several years ago we wrote a set of family values we regularly reflect on and strive to live by.

Much like our kids’ school character assemblies, each month we recognize a value we see in each family member. Our older daughter likes to design certificates for the winners.

It’s so easy these days to get caught up and live reactively. These are the anchors we return to.

1. Uniqueness — Everybody is different, but everybody’s special. We help one another become the people we were distinctly created to be, our very best versions of ourselves. We make space for one another to be our full selves.

2. Learning — We embrace the spirit of questions, curiosity, growth, and exploration. We make new mistakes. We’re open-minded & hearted, always growing wiser.

3. Health — We take care of our bodies, enjoy good foods, and have a healthy active lifestyle. Mealtimes are sacred. We savour every bite and conversation over food.

4. Creativity — We value art, crafts, photography, design, words, making stuff, and turning our imaginations into reality.

5. Playing — Our home is alive with laughter, surprises, tickling, hugs, travel, games, storytelling, madness, and enjoying one another’s company.

6. Presence — We allow ourselves to be, rest, sleep, breathe, pause, listen, find rhythm, and slow down. We enjoy the ordinary, downtime, date nights, and wandering. We collect moments, not things.

7. Connection — We live in meaningful relationships with family, friends, others, and our planet. We seek the good in all relationships. We’re connected locally and globally. We invite and welcome people with open arms, and we invest in people in need.

8. Expression — We speak from our hearts, our deepest selves, and we don’t fear being wrong. We use our words, tell the truth, disagree, fight (fight for one another, more than with one another), forgive, apologize, and express it all with love.

9. Generosity — We intentionally live simpler, practice sharing, giving, and offering ourselves sacrificially to do the greatest good. Our tribe makes a mark. We offer more in time, treasure, and talent than we take.

10. Beauty — We see more than there is. With open eyes, full of wonder, we know goodness fills the earth, even when nothing seems to work outright.

11. Courage — We boldly step out, beyond our comfort zones, experimenting, doing what we love, taking on new challenges, and celebrating acts of bravery big and small.

12. Perseverance — We faithfully try our best, strive, not giving up, especially on one another.

One thing I’d like to explore someday is creating a broader curriculum out of these values. I wish there were better resources out there that taught from an early age values like presence and courage.

There are lots of ways to slice and express what we’re aiming to pass on. This was our best take at it. What are some core values you’ve been instilling in your family?

Check out how we adapted these Family Values into our Family Manifesto.

What’s the best of who you are that you’re hoping to pass on?

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